Difference between stray and feral cat

The difference between stray and feral cats is important because stray cats have or had a human companion and should be reunited with that person provided, of course, the cat wants to be reunited and the person is a satisfactory cat caretaker. Whereas feral cats are essentially wild cats. They have had little or …

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Cat haters loathe decent women who feed community cats

There is a simmering undercurrent of loathing by cat haters directed at decent ladies who tenderly feed feral and community cats. It erupts into pure hate-filled violence from time to time. This is an example. This little vignette of violence concerns one of the icons of hero worship: the firefighter. They are a bit …

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TNR of feral cats makes us feel good

TNR of feral cats makes us feel good but we are not doing the best for the cat. It is better to euthanise them. …unless these cats [feral cats] can be socialized and until we get the problem of pet overpopulation under control, I believe euthanasia, sadly, is the most humane and loving alternative.” …

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Feral Cat Control: TVHR Better than TNR

TVHR is more effective than TNR, a study concludes. This is an interesting study that looks at a modified version of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) to make it more effective. The good thing is that the study takes TNR seriously as a way to manage feral cat colonies. The study indirectly validates the concept of TNR, …

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Trap-Neuter-Return Gathering Momentum?

Introduction Trap-neuter-return (TNR) as a method of controlling community cat populations is extensively discussed on the internet. It is widely supported by people who wish to deal with feral cats humanely and decently. Supporters are not exclusively “cat lovers”. There are many people who simply dislike the only alternative: to kill the cats. However, …

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How To Get Rid of Feral Cats

Neutered feral cats after surgery – great but sad photo, thanks – photo by Feral Indeed! (Flickr) A fair percentage of people want to know how to get rid of feral cats. And this is actually a cat news item because in Columbia, USA, a lady who was trapping, neutering and releasing (TNR) feral …

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Good news for Florida’s feral cat colony caretakers

by Dee (Ocala, FL) GOOD NEWS FOR FERAL CAT COLONY CARETAKERS!!! Sheltering Hands, a local cat rescue organization, is in the process of launching Marion County’s first TNR (trap, neuter, release) program for feral/stray cats. We have l-o-n-g needed this. For me and many others who care for cat colonies it means that we …

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