Meet Genie: the cancer-nursing cat who inspired a Christmas video


The Cats Protection’s Christmas promotion of 2018 in the form of an animated video was inspired by Evie and Genie. Genie, a cancer-nursing cat was named Cat of the Year 2017 by Cats Protection. Genie is a tuxedo, rescue cat. She helped her owner, Evie, through bone cancer treatment. Evie was diagnosed with bone …

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Starving and emaciated Russian Blue therapy cat reunited with mom after being stolen and dumped

Stevie a stolen and dumped Russian Blue therapy cat found and reunited with mom

Salem, Oregon, USA: In December 2017, a twelve-year-old Russian Blue therapy cat was stolen from Tammy Crowell who gets around in a wheelchair. The cat’s name is Stevie and he was stolen from Tammy’s apartment in Salem, Oregon. Tammy believes she knows the thief and where her cat was cruelly abandoned. Stevie disappeared although …

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Royal College of Nursing say pets have a place in hospitals

The Royal College of Nursing is running a trial on selected wards in hospitals to investigate the benefits of “one-to-one animal therapy” for patients. There are numerous articles on this website about the benefits of cats and dogs to a wide spectrum of people including those at work, those in hospital, elderly people, patients …

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