He won’t let me keep my cat

Any man who dictates to his woman, wife or girlfriend, that she can’t keep her cat is behaving extremely badly and foolishly. There may, on rare occasions, be a valid reason for his demand but I am writing about the untold numbers of occasions when a bullying sort of man simply wants his way …

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Would You Keep Your Cat If You Became Homeless?

By Elisa Black-Taylor Would you keep your cat if you became homeless? Being without a home has happened to a lot of people who never dreamed they’d be without a place to live. Between the bad economy with job losses and foreclosures, plus the rise in drug and alcohol use, being homeless is a …

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Why do people abandon purebred cats?

by John McKay (Toronto, Canada) About 15 years ago I purchased a cat from an an animal shelter in Toronto. We knew nothing about it’s breed. We later learned he is a relative of the Ragdoll family called a RagaMuffin. He is the joy of our life, I have never seen an animal so …

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