Three sibling kittens cuddled up on a public bench wait to be rescued

This is very strange. Rare I’d say. I have never seen it before. This is a bench in a public place, next to a sidewalk (pavement). How did they get there? One thought comes to my tired, cynical mind. The owner put them there. She/he abandoned them. They curled up together to stay warm. …

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12 kittens come out of the forest when their ‘point kitten’ confirms rescuer is non-hostile

12 kittens come out of the undergrowth when they see that their 'point man' is safe with the human rescuer

A good man sees a tiny tabby-and-white kitten at the side of the road. He stops his car and the kitten comes over asking to be rescued. He accepts the request and picks up the kitten. Immediately he does so the mates of the rescued kitten came out of the undergrowth from the forest …

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The reality behind the Libby Left Behind Cats Protection Christmas video

Abandoned kittens in a box in the snow

The cute and uplifting Cats Protection Christmas video tells a story that occurs far too often in many countries. The reality is very sad and the outcome is often not as happy as presented in the video. In other words the real stories of cat and dog abandonment often don’t end in a uplifting …

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Fat man has sawdust for brains as he dumps three cats out of his van

Man abandons cats on freezing night

You can’t have brains if you do this. It’s not normal. There is something in his cranium but it is not the usual gray matter. This fat man with a gammy leg slowly and deliberately gets out of his vehicle, opens the rear door, grabs a cat and throws her to the ground. It …

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Two women on two occasions recount seeing kittens dumped from moving vehicles on Michigan roads

Lucky a cat rescued from road after being dumped from moving truck

These are personal accounts by two unrelated women both of whom have seen kittens thrown from moving vehicles during kitten season in Michigan state, USA. Their first hand experiences recounted in their own words paint a clear but horrific picture of callousness and wanton insensitivity towards vulnerable animals. Marielle Wilson Marielle said she was …

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How badly things can go wrong when young kittens don’t receive timely care for an upper respiratory infection

This horror story details how badly things can go wrong when young kittens don’t receive timely care for an upper respiratory infection. It comes from Kellie Wester, a feral cat rescuer from the Raleigh, North Carolina area. Not only does Kellie practice TNR, she also rehomes many cats who are friendly and has a …

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