Why are black-and-white cats unpopular?

Tuxedo Cat or black-and-white cat

Black-and-white cats are more popular than black cats and less popular than grey cats. Therefore, their popularity is relative and it is incorrect to suggest that they are unpopular in an absolute sense. Cat lovers like black-and-white cats because they like cats in general. It is worth noting that we are only discussing one …

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If a cat is adopted from a rescue centre and the previous owner wants him back, who is entitled to keep the cat?

Nuns trap and relocate cats that they thought were strays

This problem has happened before quite a few times. In each case the outcome was fraught with difficulty. I believe that I know the legal answer and therefore the correct answer but cat rescue organisations don’t always follow good legal argument. They do what they like. Sometimes a cat who is owned by somebody …

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