Man wiping out the lion in the wild in Africa

male lion

The African lion is being pushed off the planet by humankind. Put it another way, it has been projected that within 40 years humankind will have wiped out the African lion, in the wild, if we carry on as we are. There simply hardly enough space left in Africa for the lion and the …

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Africa, Black Cats and Superstition

I’ll make a provocative statement and say there is more superstition in Africa than there is in the West and it is one factor that is holding Africa back in its development from being a third world country (developing and one of the least developed countries). That is not to say that there isn’t …

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Black versus White is Bad for Cats

This is an African continent, wild cat species story; specifically Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia. The black element in this ‘battle’ is the government of Robert Mugabe and the white element is British colonialism and the white farmers that remain in Zimbabwe. It is just one more example of conflict amongst humankind (isn’t there too much?) …

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