Micronutrients for domestic cats: pros and cons

Micronutrients in a domestic cat's diet

Micronutrients in a domestic cat’s diet refers to essential amino acids, fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Macronutrients refers to protein, fat, carbohydrates and fibre. Cats, unlike other animals, cannot manufacture essential fatty acids or essential amino acids. Neither can they manufacture vitamin A. Cats don’t automatically eat foods which are …

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Practical implications for the cat being a strict carnivore

African wildcat in urban environment

We hear a lot about the cat being a ‘strict carnivore’ (obligate carnivore) but what does it mean in practical terms to the person looking after their cat? I’d like to explore that briefly in this article. The domestic cat is said to have “nutritional idiosyncrasies”. In other words a cat’s diet is idiosyncratic …

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