Infographic on points of interest about cats’ paws

Spectrum and cat's paws

Well, I love cats’ paws. As I say in the infographic they are deadly and delightful. They are soft and gentle when at rest but deadly when the cat wants to use their claws because it happens so fast and the claws are so damned sharp as they are sharpened all the time by …

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Cat paw prints – clipart, photos, info.

Mystery cat picture? A grey-skined Sphynx (hairless cat) lying between some bedding with their fron paws sticking out.

A search for cat paw prints can mean one of two things: a search for clip art of paw prints and/or a cat’s tracks left in sand, earth or snow and sometimes rock! Consequently, I cover both topics on this page. Clip art Below I present a piece a clip art that I have …

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Cat-eye thread lifts are all the rage but is it right for you?

Bella Hadid and her cat-eyes

The eyes of domestic cats are admired. The evidence is in the current rage spreading virally through Instagram for the cat-eye thread lift. This is described as a nonsurgical, convenient way of altering your appearance which lifts the corner of the eye. It’s a quick and easy procedure which involves inserting a long thread …

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