Is bestiality illegal in India?

Anti-zoophilia symbol

Perhaps the question is rude and unpleasant but I’m asking it because I bumped into the answer on the Internet. And this site is about cats and animals in general. Having sex with a domestic cat would probably kill the cat but having sex with a domestic dog probably wouldn’t injure the dog but …

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It’s vital to protect companion animals from domestic violence abuse

Rep. Angela Romero, D-Salt Lake City, speaks during a press conference on Nov. 3, 2021.

NEWS AND COMMENT-UTAH, USA: I love news stories in which companion animals are treated with the same value as humans. This is truly the way to relate to animals. It is about an enlightened attitude towards animal welfare. It’s also about education and truly respecting animals who provide so much to so many people. …

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Victoria Parliament will now recognize pets as victims of domestic violence

cat CDV

Proposed laws were put to the Victoria Parliament this week that resulted in a win for animal welfare in Victoria, a state located in Southeastern Australia, after the Animal Justice Party pushed for the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 to recognize pets as victims of domestic violence. Dr. Liz Walker, RSPCA Victoria CEO, stated …

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Animal law UK protecting cats and dogs within domestic violence

Protecting companion animals in domestic violence

I’ve been trying to find out whether it is illegal (actually a crime) in the UK to threaten to harm a companion animal within domestic violence. We know that an abusive partner can threaten to harm a cat or dog in order to get at their partner. It’s a way of controlling a person …

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Purina Purple Leash Project and RedRover team up to help victims of domestic violence

The statistics are scary. Domestic violence has increased since the COVID19 quarantine has forced abusers and victims to share the same space, often with deadly results. 11 Alive News reported statistics from the Atlanta, Georgia police department showing domestic violence crimes are up 42% while other crimes such as murder, manslaughter, robbery, aggravated assault, …

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When her violent husband threatened to kill her cats, she finally left

Domestic violence and companion animals

This is a story from New Zealand about domestic violence and cats. Domestic violence is a worldwide phenomenon. It is normally men being violent towards women but not always. Normally women in the partnership are the ones who are the primary carers of the family cat or cats. The reason why women sometimes stay …

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Making court orders to directly protect companion animals during domestic violence

Bill allowing injunctions to protect companion animals in domestic violence in Florida

Florida is on the way to passing two bills which hopefully become law to allow judges to grant orders to directly protect companion animals in the unhappy circumstances of domestic violence. In the UK we call them ‘injunctions’. The same applies to the USA. Typically they are orders against one party in domestic violence …

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National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports 71% of abused entering a safe shelter had a pet abused or killed

Animal cruelty data collected from Michigan State Police (MSP) show an increase in animal cruelty where incidents went up by 301% percent between 2016 and 2018. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence shows some very frightening numbers that those being abused and the people who love them should pay attention to. The Coalition stated …

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