Big Animal Charities Perpetuate the Problem they Seek to Resolve?

Sometimes I sense that the big animal charities such as ASPCA, The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and PeTA have to perpetuate the animal welfare problems that they wish to eliminate because if they are completely successful in their goal they would have to close up shop and make everyone redundant. The …

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Red’s Memorial: Decision on Donations

This a follow up page to Remembering Red and the page on how to place charitable donations (both links open a new tab so you stay on this page). This is my selection subject to any further ideas. I have read all the comments which discussed where the money should go. Thank you very …

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Make Sure Donations to Animal Charities Stay Local

“Make sure donations to animal charities stay local” – wise words? Or put another way, don’t give any more money for the time being to these large animal rights and welfare groups HSUS and ASPCA because your hard earned money might go to the law firms who are acting for these organisations in a …

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