She can’t hear or speak. She cleans the streets of Chennai, India. She feeds and talks to the stray cats and dogs.


This is the kind of woman for whom I have so much admiration. Her name is Rita akka (elder sister). She is inspirational despite being unable to hear or speak and despite having the hardest and the lowliest of jobs. And despite being alone because her husband has died and her daughter, 17, has …

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Notre Dame burning = €1 billion in 24 hours. Animal shelters, animals dying = €0.

The one billion euro donations to rebuild Notre Dam is an insult to more worthy charities. Francisco Seco/AP

Being a passionate advocate of animal welfare and particularly the people involved in animal welfare including of course animal shelters, it is galling to see pledges totally one billion euros from Europe’s super rich to repair and rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral when there are thousands of other more worthy causes. We are down to …

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Call the “Cat Welfare Mediator” when there is a problem regarding a cat

Here is an idea which comes from Singapore. Singapore has a very efficient cat charity called the Cat Welfare Society (CWS). Most of their staff are volunteers. They have “mediators”. This is the first time I have seen mediators being used in situations regarding cat rescue and other instances of dispute or problems of …

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Vegan Who Compares Farming to the Holocaust Elected to Ruling Council of RSPCA

Do you think that it is a good idea that animal rights advocates with strong opinions should be heading Great Britain’s largest animal welfare organisation and one of the biggest prosecutors in the country of crimes against animals? This is a follow up to an earlier article. Peta Watson-Smith is a vegan who has …

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£100 PoC Donation to Walsall Cats Protection

This is a short note to say that I have made a £100 donation to the Walsall branch of Cats protection as part of the regular PoC donations. Cats Protection do wonderful work and I am a member. Leah, a regular supporter of PoC, made the suggestion. I have made previous donations to Cats …

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Cat Abandonments – The Disposable World We Now Live In

The manager of the London branch of the Wood Green The Animals Charity in Lordship Lane, says that companion animal abandonments at their rescue centre are weekly occurrences and symptomatic of the disposable world we now live in. Do you think the world is becoming more and more casual about companion cat care? Trillian …

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