5 reasons why cloning your pet is a bad idea

Cloned kitten by a Chinese company

We are told that dogs and cats are increasingly being cloned because their owners refuse to let them go. They want to continue their relationship with their beloved companion animal. This is entirely understandable. You don’t want to let go something that brings you pleasure. It is a reflection of the deep relationships that …

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Health Problems In Cloned Cats (and other mammals)

This follow-up page covers health and other issues of cloned mammals and follows Ruth’s article questioning whether people should clone their cat, even if they could afford it. I think it is useful to briefly look at the difficulties of cloning cats. This of course is ignoring the seeming impossibility of cloning a cat’s …

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Would You Clone Your Cat?

It’s in the news today, that Rebecca Smith a British woman, won a competition to have her pet cloned and she now has Minnie Winnie a clone of her 12 year old dachshund Winnie. This set me thinking about the cloning of animals and doing a PoC search I found this article Michael wrote …

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Attempts at cloning wild cat species is immoral

The only reason why scientists at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species (ACRES) are engaged in failed attempts at cloning small wild cat species (at the expense of the cats who are kept in cages etc.), is because people in general are basically killing off the wild cat species in the wild …

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Is Cloning Wild Cats Using Domestic Cats Sensible?

This is just a quick note to air my views on the cloning of wild cats using the eggs of a domestic cat and a domestic cat surrogate mother. I respect the views of others. Mature egg cells are removed from a domestic cat in a surgical operation. Then genetic material from the egg …

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