All cats and dogs remaining on last day of Animal Control Officer’s employment will be PTS

Glade County Animal Control pound cats

This is a weird situation which I fail to understand. The Animal Control Officer (ACO) of Glades County has resigned and is leaving on August 12. We are told in a Facebook post from Glades County Animal Control (see below) that all the animals at the pound remaining at the time of the ACO’s …

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Society should not persecute volunteers who struggle to help stray cats

If you feed a stray cat is it legally yours?

Kind people are sometimes compelled to help stray cats but are fearful of complaints and worse. A lady responded to Rae’s article (see link below) which is about helping a woman who become overwhelmed in providing care for stray cats. The woman asked Rae for help and she provided it in the most charitable …

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A ‘health issue’ meant Animal Control dumped road kill cat on landfill

George a cat killed on the road and thrown on landfill

This tabby cat fell through the cracks in the procedures governing animal control services in Newfoundland, Canada. There are lessons to be learned. Megan LeRoux let her five-year-old tabby cat, George, roam outside. Megan was feeling unwell and confined to her home. She heard from a friend that a cat had been killed on …

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Shelter “Killed Injured Kittens in a Freezer”

The authorities in Indiana are investigating claims that a Spencer County animal shelter has been freezing animals to death. Yes, it is alleged that shelter workers euthanized (killed) kittens by freezing them alive. The information comes from the shelter employees themselves. They have come forward and claimed to have witnessed this inhumane way of …

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Animal Control officer dumped weak rescued kitten in woods

Kitten dumped by animal control in woods

In outline the story is that a kitten was born in the neighbourhood (Sussex County, DE, USA) and abandoned by the mother. The kitten was ill, barely alive and missing an eye. A guy whose name is Kurt Herring wanted to help the kitten. He rang around, firstly trying unsuccessfully to contact Coastal Cat …

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Rogue Animal Control officer seizes nine feral cats from backyard. 7 are euthanized.

Rogue animal control officer seizes 9 feral cats from private property

This is the disturbing story of an Animal Control officer employed by Hays County, Texas, USA, who apparently entered upon private property where nine ear-tipped, neutered, feral cats were living and seized them. He took them to an animal shelter: the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter, where within 24 hours seven of them were …

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