Is animal hoarding a mental illness?

Is animal hoarding a mental illness?

Yes, is the short answer. The global reference book on mental health, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, lists the broad category of hoarding as a recognised psychiatric disorder. Within that broad category of hoarding falls animal hoarding. Therefore animal hoarding has been recognised, since 2013, as a mental illness It seems to …

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Is cat hoarding illegal?

Is cat hoarding illegal?

Generally, cat hoarding per se is not illegal unless there is local legislation in place which prevents a person looking after more than a certain number of cats in their home or a specific piece of legislation (see Hawaii below) outlawing animal hoarding. In general, cat hoarding is not illegal provided the cats are …

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68 cats rescued from animal hoarding situation in Tullahoma, Tennessee

Cat hoarding

Sixty-eight cats were rescued Tuesday from a single family home in Tullahoma, Tennessee. The cats, of which many of them are pregnant or with newborn litters, were living in filth, are currently in the care of Animal Rescue Corps (ARC) Operation Center in Lebanon. Dubbed Operation Nine Lives, the Tullahoma Department of Animal Control …

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Serial Cat Hoarders, Constantly Arrested and Charged by the Police, Won’t Change Their Ways

Cat hoarder cats in van

They are becoming infamous. They are infamous. They are serial cat hoarders. Their Facebook followers defend their actions and say that they are true cat lovers. The probably believe that they are. The police see them as cat hoarders with mental health issues who neglect the welfare of their cats in the furtherance of …

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