Does the city of Waco have the answer to pet overpopulation?

Does the City of Waco have the answer to pet overpopulation? Read on, and then decide for yourself. Waco, Texas city government have enacted new ordinances concerning dog and cat ownership that just may be the answer to curbing pet overpopulation. Here’s the information, which sounds like an excellent method to make the dog …

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France Has Legally Declared That Animals Are Alive!

For over 200 years, in France, animals have been relegated to the status of personal property. It is the same the world over in respect of the legal status of animals including companion animals. In Britain they are chattels, an old-fashioned word which means possessions as if one is possessing a table or a …

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NY Senate passes bill S2305A for state animal cruelty registry

According to WKTV News, the New York State Senate has passed legislation requiring animal abusers who violate Buster’s Law to register with the division of criminal justice services. Known as S2305A, the new bill also requires abuser to undergo a psychiatric evaluation, plus bans them from any future pet ownership. A PDF of the …

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Why is Declawing Illegal in the UK?

It is useful to specify the exact reason why it is illegal to declaw a cat in the United Kingdom. This is because it informs us that it would be extremely easy to make it illegal in the United States from a legislative standpoint. It is not complicated. The obstacle in making declawing illegal …

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S.C. Striving For Tougher Animal Abuse Laws

South Carolina, where I reside, is striving for tougher animal abuse laws. The legislature has several bills concerning animals set to be voted on in the coming weeks. These include increasing penalties for abusers. The law in this state is so lax now as far as fines and jail time go, that it’s not …

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Protecting Cats and Dogs in Californian Rental Housing

by Michael I am reporting on another attempt to introduce new legislation (law) in California that prohibits landlords insisting on cats being declawed before the cat’s owner can rent accomodation. The state senator who has introduced a new bill (draft law before it becomes actual law) is Senator Fran Pavley. A little while ago …

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Let’s Praise West Hollywood Councillors

West Hollywood leads the United States in respect of their attitude towards animals. In 1989, West Hollywood passed Resolution Number 558 which proclaimed the city a “Cruelty Free Zone for Animals.” Bravo! They really do speak up and take action for what is right. Yes, I say what is right because declawing was banned …

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