Classy Cat Hoarder Spends £90,000 a Year On Her Cats

Cat hoarding in the UK

This is classy cat hoarding or perhaps I’m being unkind to call it cat hoarding because it is also large-scale cat rescue at home using both the family’s four-bedroom home and outhouses in the garden where Silvana Valentino-Locke looks after 122 cats. There is a fine line between hoarding and rescue. Another amazing fact …

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British animal rescue organisation insists that adopted cats are free to roam outside

A British animal rescue organisation, which I can’t name today, insists that cats adopted from them are allowed to roam outside entirely freely. On what I have heard first hand, it makes no difference if you live in London or if you live in a place where there are many other dangers for a …

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Cat Abandonments – The Disposable World We Now Live In

The manager of the London branch of the Wood Green The Animals Charity in Lordship Lane, says that companion animal abandonments at their rescue centre are weekly occurrences and symptomatic of the disposable world we now live in. Do you think the world is becoming more and more casual about companion cat care? Trillian …

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House of Lords debate cats and dogs

The House of Lords, the upper house of Parliament which checks draft legislation from the politicians who run the country and debates new legislation themselves, are currently involved in debating new laws to deal with the oversupply of cats and dogs in Britain. Like many other countries, there are more cats and dogs than …

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Kays Hill Tabby Cats Past And Present

Leanne has sent me the photos of these gorgeous tabby cats and has included her own cat Lenny. I told her as he is so beautiful I would make him the centrefold cat of the poster. She replied: ‘yes my Lenny is beautiful, he’s very shy though and doesn’t really like people, he’d be …

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Questions For Marion A Cats Protection Branch Co-ordinator

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra Although there is quite a bit of information about Marion, the long time co-ordinator of Wear Valley & District Cats Protection on this PoC article: ..we thought it would be good for visitors to have the opportunity to ask her any questions they would like to, about her voluntary …

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Some Kays Hill ‘GINGERS’ – Past and Present

By Leanne and Ruth aka Kattaddorra Just a selection of some beautiful ginger cats we have/have had in the sanctuary over the years. Enjoy!! Leanne Leanne thought PoC visitors may like to see some of the cats and kittens who pass through Kays Hill over the years and go on to happy new homes. …

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