VICTORY: Court advances WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT’s lawsuit against NIH’s illegal foreign animal lab loophole

WCW versus NIH

WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT (WCW) has won an important legal battle against National Institutes of Health (NIH). Background WCW’s mission is to “unite animal-lovers and liberty-lovers to find, expose, and defund wasteful and cruel taxpayer-funded animal experimentation.” They represent both animals and American taxpayers. In respect of animals, they are the voice of the …

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Animals might feel more pain than the human-animal (Dawkins)

Gervais and Dawkins have similar thoughts on animal rights

Ricky Gervais and Richard Dawkins are very similar in their attitude and thoughts about animal rights. I admire them both. I am sure that their attitude is similar to millions of others. It certainly chimes totally with me. Gervais is a comedian and animal rights advocate and he is so important in the animal …

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White Coat Waste Project pressured Biden administration into defunding Russian animal experiments

America's funding of Russian animal experiments has ended

I had no idea. I’m sure the same applies to almost everybody else. America was sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to Russia to conduct cruel animal experiments on cats and dogs. It has not been explained to me as yet why the American government sent US$770,000 of taxpayers’ money to Russia to conduct …

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What does a legally enforceable Bill of Rights for dogs and cats mean in California?

Animal rights

A California lawmaker has introduced a proposed law which would be a Bill of Rights for dogs and cats. The terminology is confusing because when you introduce a statute into legislation it’s called a ‘bill’ but the word is used differently and in a specific way in the phrase “Bill of Rights”. That point …

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White Coat Waste Project’s success in forcing LA VA to end deadly tax-funded kitten tests

White Coat Waste Project's aim: Stop taxpayer funded animal testing in the USA

$20 billions of taxpayer’s money is spent on animal testing in the US annually. It is (1) a wasteful use of precious tax-payers’ money and (2) it is damned cruel and (3) many animal experiments can’t translate to human benefit. There are alternatives. Humane and decent alternatives. They should focus on them and use …

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Constipation experiments on cats to benefit America’s military veterans

VA cat experiments

Experiments regarding incontinence and constipation (dysfunctional voiding) on domestic cats are taking place in America. They are cruel experiments and they are designed to research medical treatments for America’s military veterans who have been injured and are suffering various health challenges including incontinence, frequent urination, general dysfunctional avoiding, diabetes and spinal cord injuries. Information …

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PETA’s Oscars 2019 (‘Oscats’) – Joaquin Phoenix best actor

Joaquin Phoenix animal advocate

Introduction Animal advocates have a duty to mention and praise high profile people who are passionate about animal welfare and who use their celebrity to promote a better relationship between human and animal. It is a reciprocal duty because high profile people have a duty to be the voice of animals. Why? Because they …

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Federal lawmakers meet the cats they saved from a USDA testing facility

Sen. Jeff Merkley meets Delilah the cat in his office on Capitol Hill on July 25, 2019. Photo: Courtesy Office of Sen. Jeff Merkley

You remember the big news story about a year ago in which it was reported that the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) was using cats to do tests on toxoplasmosis at a Maryland facility. Millions were spent over a long period of time and the cats were fed raw meat infected with toxoplasmosis. The …

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