Is it legal to own a serval in Washington state?

Young domesticated serval

It is legal to own a serval in Washington state which is somewhat surprising but I’ll explain why I have come to that conclusion. There is a mishmash of laws governing the ownership of wildlife in this state. Note: for the sake of clarity, I am referring to individual citizens and residents of Washington …

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Shanghai residents fight back against state-sanctioned Covid-related animal cruelty

The killer of a pet corgi immediately after he killed the dog on street with a shovel

NEWS AND COMMENT-SHANGHAI, CHINA: A surge in Omicron Covid-19 infections in Shanghai has resulted in a zero-tolerance lockdown across the entire city. This is the policy that the authorities in China impose on their citizens when Covid infections increase. It is a very severe reaction particularly as the Omicron variant of Covid is treated …

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UK government delays the promised ban on the importation of sport hunting trophies

UK law

Not long ago the Conservative UK government promised to ban the importation of hunting trophies. The promise was in part a response to the general population’s desire to do this and I suspect Carrie Johnson, Boris Johnson’s wife had a say in the matter. But now, in a move which will further deteriorate the …

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Celebrate! The declawing veterinarians of America are in retreat!

Maryland state Sen. Cheryl C. Kagan D-Montgomery holds her corona kitty. Kagan sponsored a bill that would make Maryland the second state in the country to ban declawing cats

NEWS AND COMMENT: I have a feeling that the obnoxious declawing veterinarians of America are in retreat. And the average cat caregiver, not even animal advocates, are making their voices heard because they now thoroughly understand that the declawing of cats is unnecessary and cruel. It is described as barbaric by people like me …

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Animal Protection Law of Turkey 5199 – checked and refreshed 2022

A real Turkish Angora

Date September 2010: Below is the primary animal protection law of Turkey. It is stated as being a “bill” and “law”. A bill is usually a statute that is in the embryonic stage but, that said, this is the law at present. It is reproduced verbatim. Acts are almost invariably in the public domain …

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New Zealanders accept the shooting and killing of DOMESTIC stray cats

NZ farmer and his pest controller sit in front of a pile of domestic cats that they shot

NEWS AND VIEWS-NEW ZEALAND: A story on the website tells me in no uncertain terms that New Zealanders totally accept the shooting dead of stray DOMESTIC cats. These were owned cats that have been dumped by irresponsible cat owners. I suspect that many of them are microchipped. Nonetheless, the owner of Tunanui Station …

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‘Blind boxes’ containing 70 barely weaned kittens dumped in Shanghai

Bling box craze in China is cruel and callous and is rooted in a bad attitude towards animal welfare

NEWS AND COMMENT – SHANGHAI, CHINA: The blind box craze in China feeds on entirely the wrong attitude of the consumers who regard an animal companion as a toy. This is the craze which sends pets in boxes to purchasers by mail order. They have no idea what they are buying. It is a …

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Poll: choose an option to force better cat ownership standards

Poll symbol

I am in a poll mood today 🙂 . Here are some options in a poll which are designed to improve cat guardianship standards through local byelaws to make certain aspects of cat ownership mandatory. A small minority spoil it for the majority by allowing, for instance, their cats to bred and then neglectfully …

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