Why does my cat put his paw on my face when I hold him?

Why does my cat put his paw on my face when I hold him?

In my opinion, the main reason why your cat puts her/his paw on your face when you hold her is because your head, when face-to-face with hers, is too close for comfort. By putting her paw on your face she is keeping a certain amount of control over the distance between you and her. …

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Why do we anthropomorphize our pets?

I’ll focus on cats. To quote P.L. Bernstein (The Welfare of Cats) some scientists (see below) have suggested that anthropomorphism “may have evolved to enable humans to recognise animals as ‘alternative sources of social support’”. The main reason for being a cat guardian is companionship. This may have had the consequence of acting as …

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The day I fought with my vet over the size of my cat’s penis

Gabriel almost grown up

Are men reluctant to neuter their male cat? Sarah Hartwell’s article on men’s emotional barriers to neutering their male cat made me smile and reflect on my own attitudes. In summary, I think I am fair in saying that Sarah’s conclusion is that men struggle with neutering (‘castrating’ but don’t say that word) their …

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About Anthropomorphizing Cats

Cats as kids

Here are three points about anthropomorphising cats. Anthropomorphism is the “attribution of human mental states (thoughts, feeling, motivations and beliefs) to nonhuman animals”. Let’s say, though, that cats have emotions and therefore I’d argue they have feelings too. So some anthropomorphising is just a true recognition of cat behaviour and senses. That’s my personal …

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Anthropomorphising The Domestic Cat

Worried stray cat in China

Do we, inadvertently, nearly always anthropomorphise the domestic cat?  I believe that we have difficulty with dissociating the cat as a family member from human family members.  I believe that all too often without realising it people judge cat behaviour from the standpoint of human behaviour.  They measure cat behaviour in reference to the …

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