Calming liquid drops for your pet made from 4 natural ingredients

Ingredients for this calming product for pets

I think this is a very useful product for cats and dogs. It’s a liquid made from four natural ingredients which you can drop into your cat or dog’s food and which is claimed to help them feel calm and relaxed. I’ve not tested it. I will leave that to you. If you do …

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In America you can now use pregabalin to calm down your cat before they visit the vet

In America, the FDA has approved pregabalin as an antianxiety drug to be given to cats before they visit a vet or in transportation

The FDA in America has approved pregabalin oral solution for alleviating anxiety associated with transportation and veterinary visits in cats to use their words. In America pregabalin oral solution is labelled Bonqat. You give it your cat 1.5 hours before they go to the vet and it can be given it on two consecutive …

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Why should I avoid adopting a traumatized cat?

You shouldn’t avoid adopting a traumatised cat and the question in the title begs many more questions such as: Those are just some of the questions I would ask. There will be more. Sometimes shelter cats can be labelled traumatised not because they are traumatised but because they are currently living in a shelter …

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Fluvoxamine (Luvox) given to an aggressive Maine Coon cat which cured him

Aggressive Maine Coon given a long course of an antidepressant

I am reading a short summary on the treatment of an aggressive Maine Coon cat. The summary does not paint the entire picture which in one way makes it interesting and in another it makes it irritating. There are some holes in the story. This is the story: a Maine Coon cat was being …

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Actor recommends a human antidepressant for a pet who’s ‘addicted to TV’

Surprised Ben the Vet

This is weird on two counts for me. Ben the Vet listened in on a phone-in agony uncle radio show in which it seems an American actor, Paul Rudd, dished out advice to a women who was concerned that her dog was ‘addicted to television’. Sounds odd. How does she know? I mean her …

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Gabapentin substantially improves adoption rate of shelter cats rescued from a hoarding environment

Gabapentin combined with a behaviour modification program can substantially improve rescue cats' rehabilitation and therefore chances of adoption after being rescued from a cat hoarding environment

Cats living with a cat hoarder are almost invariably neglected. They are often only partly socialised, stressed and unhealthy. After rescue, a substantial percentage of them do not take well to a rescue facility. It may be so bad for them that they stop eating and toileting. They are essentially unadoptable because they’re so …

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