Cat poisoners often hide in plain sight and can be pillars of the community

Cat poisoner

This is a story which reminds us that typically cat poisoners hide in plain sight, in the community where they live, and can even be ‘pillars of the community’. This is an allegation at this stage and therefore nothing is proved in a criminal court of law; a point that needs to be made …

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UK police want cat owners to use GPS cat tracking collars

GPS tracking collar for cats is an item which is recommended by the UK police force.

Through one of their policewomen acting as a spokesperson, it appears that the UK police want cat owners to purchase GPS tracking collars for their cats after a spate of cat poisonings in Swindon. It seems to me, that the police want indoor/outdoor, unsupervised domestic cats to wear GPS tracking collars because it will …

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Indoor-outdoor cats should be protected with security cameras

One of the four cats poisoned by anti-freeze in Birkdale, UK with baited food thrown into backgarden

NEWS AND VIEWS: BIRKDALE, UK: A cat owner has lost four of her cats at a stroke to deliberate poisoning by antifreeze. It is also believed that the cats were poisoned in their back garden after food was thrown into it. Arwen Davies, 45, of Birkdale, is, of course, devastated and she’s convinced they …

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Don’t put antifreeze in your outside water fountain for the sake of animals

Is this water fountain safe for cats?

I’m primarily thinking of domestic cats in writing this article but, of course, it applies to all animals. Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) is sometimes (hopefully rarely) added to water in fountains to prevent freezing. Cats love flowing water. Domestic cats are also attracted to antifreeze because it is naturally sweet. I’ve used the word “attracted”. …

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Hundreds of cats dying in South of France vomiting a blue substance. Why?

Some residents of the Narbonne region of southern France have noticed that some streets cats vomited a blue substance. They meow weakly and die. It sounds awful. And in such large numbers. Local animal welfare organisations blamed poisoning; rat poison, cannabis or motor oil in cat food. But autopsies were carried out on two …

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Unknown person kills cats by targeting them with a water pistol loaded with antifreeze

Cats in one street in Bradford, UK have died after licking antifreeze from their coats. It has been decided based on the evidence that someone (probably living in the same street but no one knows) is squirting the cats with antifreeze using a water pistol. This is another sadistic form of animal abuse. It’s …

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