Non Toxic Antifreeze

by Michael (London, UK) It is really time, in fact beyond time, when something should be done about bloody car antifreeze. It does not have to be poisonous to cats. It is easy to make it non toxic antifreeze (to cats and dogs). So why the hell isn’t it happening? You can see that …

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Making Antifreeze Unpalatable To Cats

Photo by eskimo_jo (Flickr) Making antifreeze unpalatable to cats would save many thousands of cat’s lives and prevent hundreds of crimes. News on the subject of cats contain on at least a weekly basis one incident of antifreeze poisoning. These poisoning are either accidental or deliberate and they most often kill the cat, period. …

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Manteca, California Offers $1000 Reward For Information On Animal Poisonings

The cat lovers of Manteca, San Joaquin, California have a problem and need your help. They have a serial cat (and dog) killer on the loose and are willing to pay for help in identifying the murderers. Manteca, California is offering a $1000 reward for information on animal poisoning. Their population listed on the …

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