Baby red panda probably died from stress of fireworks reminding us how they can affect cats and dogs

Zoo fears red panda cub died from stress caused by fireworks

Anyone who lives with a cat or dog and is truly concerned about their welfare will hate fireworks or they should do in my honest opinion. I detest fireworks. And it is not only because I’m concerned about my cat. It’s because they are noisy. I don’t understand why people like to listen to …

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Great-grandchildren of mums stressed before giving birth are also stressed

A mother stressed before giving birth passes that anxiety down the generations

This is a Royal Society Open Science study which should interest everyone including breeders of cats. I have to get cats into the article! But seriously it is information which should concern cat and dog breeders as well as humans. It is important I feel. In my opinion, the finding of the research is …

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Cat owner puts book on her head and her cat makes the weirdest sound imaginable

Russian cat makes the weirdest sound

A Russian cat owner puts a book on her head and her cat makes the weirdest sound imaginable. This is a video from Russia’s version of YouTube. You can’t see the cat’s owner but I have seen her in another similar video and she can get her cat to make these weird sounds by …

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Drone displays and silent fireworks for US Independence Day

Our pets would prefer a drone displays and silent fireworks this 4th July

Independence Day can be a challenging holiday for dogs, wildlife, and other animals due to the frightening sounds of fireworks. These sounds often cause animals to flee in panic. For dogs that find themselves in shelters lacking a commitment to lifesaving practices, this can be fatal. Fortunately, awareness is increasing regarding the traumatic impact …

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World leaders must know that climate change is scaring the shit out of people (infographic)

Most Americans say climate change will destroy Earth in their lifetime

It seems to me that the people who have the power to do something about curbing climate change are not taking it seriously enough judging by the fact that they’ve been talking about it for almost 30 years and yet climate change is still getting worse as I type this. Thirty years to do …

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Calming liquid drops for your pet made from 4 natural ingredients

Ingredients for this calming product for pets

I think this is a very useful product for cats and dogs. It’s a liquid made from four natural ingredients which you can drop into your cat or dog’s food and which is claimed to help them feel calm and relaxed. I’ve not tested it. I will leave that to you. If you do …

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Spending quality time with dogs reduces stress and anxiety (study)

Spending time with dogs makes you more creative and reduces stress and anxiety according to this research

Spending quality time with dogs can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels and it can make you more creative according to a recently published study on the Internet on the PLOS ONE website entitled “Psychophysiological and emotional effects of human–Dog interactions by activity type: An electroencephalogram study”. Diverse activities between humans and dogs …

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