Calming liquid drops for your pet made from 4 natural ingredients

Ingredients for this calming product for pets

I think this is a very useful product for cats and dogs. It’s a liquid made from four natural ingredients which you can drop into your cat or dog’s food and which is claimed to help them feel calm and relaxed. I’ve not tested it. I will leave that to you. If you do …

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Spending quality time with dogs reduces stress and anxiety (study)

Spending time with dogs makes you more creative and reduces stress and anxiety according to this research

Spending quality time with dogs can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels and it can make you more creative according to a recently published study on the Internet on the PLOS ONE website entitled “Psychophysiological and emotional effects of human–Dog interactions by activity type: An electroencephalogram study”. Diverse activities between humans and dogs …

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Black cat swipes and bites cat show judge (video)

Black cat swipes and bites cat show judge

I like this video because I don’t really like cat shows as they are very much about humans having fun in showing off the appearance of cats but are the cats having fun? Or are they stressed? Do cats like being herded into noisy cat show halls with tons of people milling around gawping …

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In America you can now use pregabalin to calm down your cat before they visit the vet

In America, the FDA has approved pregabalin as an antianxiety drug to be given to cats before they visit a vet or in transportation

The FDA in America has approved pregabalin oral solution for alleviating anxiety associated with transportation and veterinary visits in cats to use their words. In America pregabalin oral solution is labelled Bonqat. You give it your cat 1.5 hours before they go to the vet and it can be given it on two consecutive …

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Why do cats sleep in their litter box?

Cat sleeping in their litter box because they are stressed

The main reason why a domestic cat might sleep in their litter box – as shown in the photograph below – is because it strongly smells of their scent due to the presence of poop residue (after it has been cleaned) which means that it is a reassuring place to them. This will be …

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4 steps a cat owner cat take to help prevent stress-induced cystitis

The potential for cat stress caused by anxiety is an important component in a cat caregiver's knowledge

I believe that this topic is an important part of cat caregiving as domestic cats are likely to be stressed more often than cat owners typically believe. Up to two-thirds of cats taken to a vet for urination problems including bloody urine and inappropriate urination have no health issues. But they have an inflamed …

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Feline agoraphobia

I am not sure if writers about cats refer to ‘feline agoraphobia’. I have just thought about when writing about a beautiful, ginger Maine Coon (MC) who was let out into the garden (backyard) for the first time after a lifetime ‘locked up’ as a full-time indoor cat as they must be. MC can …

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