Pet food manufacturers could provide summer and winter diets (and make more money)

Feline dietary requirements in summer

I’m going to offer the pet food manufacturers a money-spinning idea which has just occurred to me. It may please them because the pet food manufacturers are constantly looking for ways to expand their range. An expanded range is likely to generate more income. For instance you’ve got the oral health dry cat food …

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Unwillingness to eat: a classic sign that a cat is dying of old age

Michele and Rubble

People search for signs that their cat is dying of old age. I have just read about a 31-year-old Maine Coon cat living in England. The Daily Mail reported his death of old age yesterday. His name was Rubble. He lived with Michele and her husband. She describes his death which I think is …

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Why Is My Cat Always Hungry? 8 Reasons

Cat eating

With respect to food, the normal domestic cat problem is overeating or perhaps overfeeding. However, it can be the opposite. Underfeeding One reason for a cat being hungry might be, albeit unusually, that the guardian is under feeding her cat resulting in the cat being perpetually hungry. The person might have a distorted view …

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Do cats eat less in summer?

Cat in the sun

Do cats eat less in summer? Yes, is the likely answer because cats lose less heat and therefore need less calories to maintain body temperature. For me that’s the short, simple answer provided the summer is warm or hot where you live. The more accurate question would be: do cats eat less in warm …

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PETA has a heart and senior lady cries with joy at her cat’s recovery


Sometimes PETA gives us the impression that they are too tough and uncompromising on animal rights – e.g. their attitude towards feral cats. They almost present to the world a profile of being a tough, business orientated organisation. Perhaps you have to be like that because you have to fight fire with fire. However, …

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