Six Things Not To Do When Your Cat Goes Missing

Here are six things not to do when your cat goes missing. In a prior article I listed several things that I recommend people doing when their cat goes missing. Implementing each of the suggestions on that “to do” list will increase your chances, substantially, of being reunited with your lost cat. However, there …

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Why Cats That Are Lost May Not Return Home

If you have experienced, or are currently experiencing a lost or missing cat, it can be a very stressful time. These feelings are understandable because your cat is part of your family and you sincerely want your cat to come home. I’ve been blessed to work with people and their lost cats (as well …

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Finding Lost Cats in London through Animal Communication

By Tim As an animal communicator specializing in working with lost animals, I’ve had the pleasure of reuniting many families with their missing pets. Two such cases transpired in London not too long ago when cat owners in London contacted me about their missing cats. The first cat, Colin, wandered off after being in …

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