Fluvoxamine (Luvox) given to an aggressive Maine Coon cat which cured him

Aggressive Maine Coon given a long course of an antidepressant

I am reading a short summary on the treatment of an aggressive Maine Coon cat. The summary does not paint the entire picture which in one way makes it interesting and in another it makes it irritating. There are some holes in the story. This is the story: a Maine Coon cat was being …

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How do cats react to music?

How do cats react to music?

We remain unsure about domestic cats’ reaction to music. More than 30 years ago, the great Dr. Desmond Morris said that domestic cats react idiosyncratically to the sound of music. What he was saying is that each individual cat reacts in their own way to human music because at that time no one had …

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Picture of a domestic cat happily crouching on tin foil

The sound and appearance of tin foil does not affect all domestic cats

The sound and appearance of tin foil does not affect all domestic cats equally it seems 😃. The picture confounds the world view of domestic cats as creatures that are terrified of tin foil which it is used quite a lot as a cat deterrent in the home. An ugly deterrent I have to …

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