‘Massive’ black cat runs through field near Tamworth, NSW, Australia

Large black cat probably domestic or feral runs through a field near Tamworth NSW Australia captured on video

https://t.co/nb52KX2AzJ – this looks like one of those super-feral cats that the Aussie authorities talk about so much and which scares them to death as they take native species. — Michael Broad (@Michael_Broad) May 1, 2024 Note: Click on the Twitter image to see the video. It does not play as a video on …

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In Australia if you kill foxes feral cat numbers increase in places where these ‘pests’ are sympatric

In Australia where the fox and feral cat are sympatric if you poison foxes to death with bait the feral cats tend to do better and kill more prey animals

The Conversation website boldly states that “baiting foxes can make feral cats even more brazen”. That statement is based on a study of 1.5 million camera traps photographs taken in forests of Australia. They studied the photographs by hand. ‘Sympatric’ – where wild animals live in the same area or their distribution overlaps. Is …

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‘Red’ a female tabby cat at an Aussie shelter needs a home urgently PLEASE!

Red is a tabby-and-white female rescue cat at a large shelter in Australia and she needs a new home urgently, please!

I would like to introduce ‘Red’, a charming but regular looking tabby cat who is sadly stuck at a large Australian animal shelter owned and managed by the Australian Animal Protection Society. She was surrendered by her owners in September of last year not because she was a problem to them in any way …

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The inventor of the Felixer, a device which poisons feral cats, is misleading the public

The Felixer is a fiendish device devised by Dr. John Read, the founder of Thylation. The Felixer is a green box which jets out a poison called 1080 in the form of a gel at 50 metres per second. The idea is that when a feral cat walks past this green box it detects …

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Ragdoll cat the most popular breed in Australia because they are good indoor cats

The Ragdoll cat would appear to be the most popular cat breed in Australia because they are more suited to the full-time indoor life which is what the Australian government wants.

The world knows that Australia has a domestic cat problem! That problem is that some of them become feral cats and the feral cat is the archenemy of the Australian state because they kill native species. There is a big push in Australia to keep cats indoors full-time to protect the said native species. …

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Review study by Australians is intended to denigrate the domestic cat

Toxoplasma gondii cyst in mouse brain.

This is my opinion. I form my opinion from many years of reading these reports. I have noticed a trend: Australian scientists looking for ways to criticise the domestic cat for carrying the zoonotic disease toxoplasmosis. From time to time, Australian scientists like to get together to hatch a plan to denigrate the domestic …

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Queensland are killing feral cats as fast as they can but are plagued by rats

Australia's feral cats might be able to suppress the rat plagues in Australia

I’m told that the feral cats of Australia are larger than the usual European variety (see link below) because they have plenty of food and good conditions under which to flourish. Australia’s feral cats are consistently blamed for killing native species including small mammals and marsupials. The small mammals that the feral cat kills …

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Proactivity is the way to deal with feral cats in Australia

Take proactive steps to deal with Australia's feral cats

Australia’s Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, recently declared war on feral cats. I thought that Australia had been at war with feral cats for a very long time so this statement came as a surprise to me. They’ve been killing feral cats (and the occasional pet cat or dog) in Australia for many years as …

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