Australians don’t know how many feral cats there are in their country

The Australian government, authorities and experts bombard their citizens and the rest of the world with Armageddon-like stories of the decimation of their native wildlife by their hated feral cats. They have been doing this for decades. Their so called experts say that 30 mammal species in Australia have become extinct in 200 years, …

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Cat Containment Tips

We can see the gradual trend towards domestic cat confinement inside people’s homes and backyards in Australia.  In support of that trend and in further encouragement of it, RSPCA Australia has provided information entitled ‘cat containment tips’ within a document prepared by the government of Australian Capital Territory. This is what they recommend, in …

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Attitude shift in Australia to confining domestic cats 24/7

Australians are beginning to believe that domestic cats should be confined to the home and yard 24/7. Laws are changing attitudes. The signs are that there is an attitude shift amongst Australian citizens towards laws that confine domestic cats to their owner’s homes 24/7. The days of the free roaming indoor/outdoor domestic cat are …

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Effect of Cat Registration Tested in Australia

The registration of domestic cats with the local authority is quite widely discussed as a way of reducing the number of stray and therefore, ultimately, feral cats. In short, cat registration is a way of improving the standard of cat ownership. However, many see it as too intrusive on a person’s freedoms. It is a …

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By Sarah Hartwell The Susuki was a short-lived breed created in Australia in 1957 and developed for about a decade as an “experimental breed”. At that time, the genetics of blue eyes was not properly understood. This article appeared in “The Age,” Monday March 13, 1961 (a newspaper from Melbourne, Australia): “Mr Douglas Greening, …

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Australia is Against Canned Lion Hunts in South Africa

I’m pleased to see that Greg Hunt, Australia’s environment minister, has announced that he is banning imports of lion body parts into Australia.  The intention, as I see it, is to stop Australian citizens going to South Africa to shoot lions, corralled in enclosures and specially bred for the purpose.  This is canned lion …

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