Theory as to why some cats might hate women. Infographic.

This is an idea that makes some sense but which is rarely if ever discussed online. Cats have good memories and it is argued that they can link bad experiences to one or other of the human genders. Perhaps the word ‘hate’ is too strong. Perhaps some cats might become ‘wary’ of women where …

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CMA investigates UK veterinary market (details in infographic)

CMA presses ahead with full investigation into vets markets in the UK (details in infographic)

Here is some summarised detail in the form of an infographic on the UK’s Competitions and Markets Authority’s investigation into the veterinary market which has been so comprehensively criticised in the UK due to the buying up of independent vets by big business to form chains of vets which reduces competition and pushes up …

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UK vets are overcharging for medicine (and allegedly services!)

UK vets investigated for overcharging

I’ve just written an article about an investigation into veterinary fees in the UK. There are allegations that they are overcharging because independent vets have been bought up by big corporations and there is a loss of competition and perhaps an overemphasis on profits (corporate greed versus independent vets being less commercially-minded). Today, in …

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Cat’s medical treatment not going as planned? Get a second opinion.

It is wise and sensible to sometimes seeks a second veterinarian opinion if your cats medical treatment is not going according to plan

This is another story illustrating the advantage of seeking a second battery opinion (see earlier story). It is an important subject I feel. Perhaps we sometimes rely too heavily on our vet to get things right every time. If treatment does not go as planned and our cat does not get better we might …

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Veterinary staffer wrote F word expletive in bold marker pen on dying cat’s incubator for all to see

Dying cat in incubator

NEWS AND COMMENT – Beckenham, Greater London, UK: This is shocking to me and many others. I’ll start with the picture which tells the entire story, actually. I don’t need to add many words because you can guess what is going on. The problem is I can’t publish the photo on this page as …

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UK pet owners go abroad to cut bills for veterinary treatments

Equity funds have bought vet clinics in UK and are exploiting the business

NEWS AND VIEWS-UK: In an extraordinary development, I’m told that in the UK, cat and dog owners are flying abroad to places like France and Turkey to seek treatments for their companion animals which are priced reasonably and which are a fraction of those charged in the UK. And the reason why many veterinarians …

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Compared to the past, more cats like men for this reason

Female vets dominate the profession in 2023

There was a time when you could ask this question, “Why do some cats hate men?” Around 20 years ago that question would have been applicable and the suggested reason is this. There was a great preponderance of men in the veterinary profession. The argument is that because some domestic cats associated men with …

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Choose a veterinarian sensibly (infographic)

Choose your vet sensibly

The infographic says almost all I want to say on the topic but I’ll add a few afterthoughts. If I was living in the United States, the number one criteria would be the head vet’s response to the question: “Do you declaw cats for non-therapeutic reasons?” A yes answer would mean instant rejection. A …

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