Can I cuddle my cat if she has fleas?

Kitten with bad flea infestation

Well, sigh. Someone asked the question in the title and it is slightly strange because common sense applies. I think the answer is that you don’t want to cuddle your cat if they have a lot of visible fleas. The best thing to do is to remove the fleas first or asap. It isn’t …

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10 tips for drama-free cat baths

10 tips for drama-free cat baths

In most cases, it is not necessary to bathe your cat regularly, as cats are fastidious groomers and do an excellent job of keeping themselves clean. They use their tongues to remove dirt, debris, and loose fur from their coats, and their saliva contains enzymes that help break down any odour-causing substances. However, there …

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Gothic rescue of drenched kitten stuck in a tree troubles me

Drenched kitten rescued from tree and saved

The music has a Gothic flavour and it looks somehow artificial. It looks staged to me but how can I say that? I don’t know. The video moves very slowly. It’s as if every moment has been teased out for maximum effect. Perhaps this is why I think it’s staged although it makes for …

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