One monthly imidacloprid cat or dog flea treatment could kill up to 25 million bees

Imidacloprid in pet flea treatments can and does kill millions of bees

The Times reports today, March 21, 2023, that a popular cat, dog, rabbit flea treatment containing imidacloprid could kill millions of bees when the toxin is washed into waterways according to researchers at Imperial College London, UK. The pesticide is used in 138 pet treatment sold in the UK alone. God only knows how …

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7 steps to take when your cat is stung by a bee or wasp

Cat watches bee

Domestic cats are curious predators which exposes them to stings from bees, wasps and other insects. Stings from bees and wasps will cause a painful swelling and it will usually be on the face or paws as they investigate the insect or perhaps prod it. Rarely, if a cat has been stung many times, …

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