Revealed the 2 best wet cat foods in the US according to two AI bots

Fictional depiction of wet cat food

I decided to use two different AI computer systems to see if they cross-checked in responding to this question: What are the three best selling wet cat foods in the US? The two AI systems were Bing’s Copilot and Google’s Gemini. They both agreed that Sheba Perfect Portions and Fancy Feast Classic were the …

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Wet pet food much worse for the environment than dry pet food

Dry versus wet pet foods from a global warming standpoint

The New Scientist website tells us that wet pet food has seven times the carbon emissions of dry cat food. They refer to a study which I can’t access which tells us that an assessment of around 940 different kinds of Brazilian cat and dog food found that producing wet pet food creates 690% …

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My cat always wants to eat my food

Cat grabs human food

I am not referring to my cat but a statement made by people using the Google search engine when looking for reasons why it happens. There are two ways of looking at this, one is positive and the other is negative. Positive If your cat always wants to eat your food one reason must …

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How To Read American Cat Food Labels

Pet food labelling misleading re animal species

This is my take on how to read American cat food labels. Personally I find it hard to read cat food labels which means I rarely read them. I try and buy the best cat food in terms of quality. If anyone can add to the page please do so. This article was first …

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