How Do You Feed Your Cat?

How Do You Feed Your Cat? by Michael (London, UK) There seems to be several ways to feed your cat(s). I would be interested to hear which method visitor’s adopt. Meal Feeding This can take two forms both though are concerned with controlling the amount of food our cat eats. I tend to respond …

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How Good is American Cat Food?

How good is American cat food? We don’t really know in my opinion. I am talking about commercially produced cat food and in fact all pet food so dogs are included in this article. And I am writing about American cat food because I know more about it than British or European cat food. …

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EVO Cat Food

by K B McFarland (Ravenna, Ohio USA) I have a diabetic cat who was on 5 units (U-40) of insulin two times a day. My veterinarian advised me that if I could get my diabetic cat on a diet of all canned food it would be best for him, but my cat doesn’t care …

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Diabetic Cat Food

by Michael (London, UK) Cat eating balanced diet — photo by by fofurasfelinas under CC license I’ve been searching for diabetic cat food as my cat may be a bit diabetic (2008 but see my updating comment). She has some signs of it. She’s overweight and she drinks lots of water. It’s a worry …

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