The clouded leopard is insufficiently protected and is being illegally traded as a consequence

The clouded it is insufficiently protected and is being illegally traded as a consequence

A study published in 2015 paints a damning picture of the protections afforded the clouded leopard which are clearly insufficient. The clouded leopard population is decreasing and they are arguably gradually heading towards extinction in the wild. This is unsurprising because of this cat’s uniquely attractive coat. This medium-sized wildcat is also quite tame …

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Exceptionally rarely jaguars attack humans but have any humans been killed?


I’ve been digging around the Internet looking for information about jaguars attacking humans and even killing them. There is no doubt that it is exceptionally rare for a jaguar to attack a human and I have not yet found an instance of a jaguar killing a human. Please contribute by commenting. The jaguar is …

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Can tigers mate with: leopards, jaguars and lions?

Can tigers mate with lions, leopards and jaguars?

The best source for information of this kind is Sarah Hartwell’s She is quite clear on this. While lions, jaguars and leopards can all mate with each other to ‘form viable hybrids’, the tiger can only successfully mate to produce viable offspring with the lion. When a tiger mates with the leopard the …

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Wild cat conservation is on our doorstep as everything is connected

Kodkod with coniferous forest as backdrop

Forest Dwelling Cats This is an update from an e-zine I used to write many years ago. The point made is important I believe. Pictures of Cats (PoC) conjures up funny pictures. There is fun on my site, but at heart, it is serious. And what really is funny is the more I work …

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Pictures of big cats in boxes proves they like them too

Do big cats like boxes? Yes, because they are like dens to females

People ask if big cats like boxes. They are referring to the large wild cats normally the lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar. You don’t have to look very hard to find pictures of big cats enjoying snoozing, sleeping and generally messing around in boxes. Yes, they like boxes. Although we are always referring to …

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Lion pictures – plus a map showing where they were taken

Picture of two male lions in the pouring rain

I wanted to build a page on lion pictures. But how to do it a bit differently and usefully was the question. Well, I have chosen from the forty or so Flickr photographs of lions that are available for publication under a creative commons license (Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic) and presented the best …

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