IUCN Red List is broken and needs an overhaul

Slender-billed curlew

Conservationists across the globe rely upon the IUCN Red List (“Red List”) to understand the current status of wild species in terms of their survival and whether they are threatened with extinction. I have visited their website often and noticed how out of date the information is. Often the latest information is about 10 …

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Noticeable, brightly coloured, cat collar protects birds from cat predation (47 – 54% reduction)

There is a product on the market called Birdsbesafe®. They are fluffy cat collars in very bright colours. They are deliberately bright because songbirds see bright colours especially well. You can immediately understand the idea. The cat stalks a bird. The movement of his collar is picked up by the bird. The bird flies …

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Cats in German town under strict lockdown to save crested larks

Crested lark

COMMENT AND NEWS-WALLDORF, SOUTHWESTERN, GERMANY: The environmental officers of this German town have banned domestic cats from roaming free in an effort to stop them preying upon and eating crested larks during their breeding season. They said that their order would remain in force until September. People in breaches of the order would face …

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Major bird conservation organisation, BirdLife International, puts impact of cats in perspective

Cat looking at bird outside

BirdLife International report states that threats to birds are of ‘humanity’s making’. BirdLife International is the largest international partnership for nature conservation. They are a go-to organisation to understand the status of birds on the planet in respect of their conservation and decline in numbers. As one of 15 different non-native species, the contribution …

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Muddled thinking by conservation group in New Zealand which wants to kill cats

Mount Taranaki

COMMENT ON THE NEWS: Taranaki is a region in the west of New Zealand’s North Island. I’ve never visited but it looks beautiful and it is named after Mount Taranaki, an extinct volcano. The Taranaki Regional Council have a management plan to conserve native wild species. They want to manage the pests and vermin …

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Bird species not under threat from cats but from people (climate change)

For years I have been blowing the trumpet of reason while defending the cat who is consistently maligned by bird conservationists for destroying bird populations (one example of many articles on PoC). The bird conservationists have been shouting loud and long that the stray cat is a threat to native bird species in the …

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Cat Colony Wars New Zealand

There is a battle ragging out there on the Internet and also on the ground between these parties: Cat lovers and people who care about treating community cats decently including the local SPCA; Cat haters or people who dislike cats who believe that cats are a non-native species that wantonly kill native wildlife, particularly …

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War Against Feral Cats Part 5

This is the latest installment of the war against the feral cat in the United States. The instigators of the war – the aggressors – are the ornithologists and bird conservationists (“the bird people”) and the defenders are people who are concerned about cat welfare and who practice trap-neuter-return (TNR) as a way of humanely …

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