Cats sniff your face at night to check that you are alive! I was the first to suggest this.

Cat sniffing their owner

Years ago, I suggested that at least some domestic cats sniff their owner’s face at night to check that they are still alive! Click this link to read that page. I wrote this at the time (about 6 years ago to the day): My firm impression is that cats sniff our face while we …

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My boy cat just got neutered, and his loving sister is hissing at him. What’s going on?

Just neutered and his loving sister growls at him

This is the full social media question: “My boy cat just got neutered, and his sister, who he normally cuddles with, is hissing and growling at him? What’s going on?” I have seen this kind of question quite a lot on social media. This form of feline behavior can be a bit disturbing for …

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Cat owners’ smelly clothes are NOT a source of comfort to their cats. Discuss.

A study dated October 2021 called “The effect of owner presence and scent on stress resilience and cats” concluded that the smelly clothes of a cat’s owner do not provide comfort and reassurance to their cat during their absence. This will surprise many if not most, even all, cat owners. It goes against the …

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Will my cats ever be friends again after one went on ‘vacation’?

Cat nose and sense of smell

A cat owner asked the above question on a well-known website ( I’d like to try and answer the question. The person has two five-year-old indoor cats who are siblings. One of them escaped the home and spent two days under the house before he was recovered. His brother now hisses and growls at …

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If your cat does not smell nice something is wrong

Chinese cat sniffer

Domestic cat body odour is very pleasant. No one can deny it, even trolls and people who dislike cats. This is because cats are fastidiously clean. Let’s not argue about that. Damn it, there is an army of obsessed cat sniffers in China because their cats smell so nice. If a cat’s body odour …

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