Blame capitalism, anthroparchy, white supremacy and patriarchy for animal shelter killings

Author and book

This article is within the umbrella of Critical Race Theory (CRT – see base of article for an explanation 😎👍 and a definition of ‘anthroparchy’). The source of the article is an article written by Nathan Winograd, the architect of America’s No Kill Movement which has saved the lives of millions of shelter animals. …

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Did Rudyard Kipling love cats and live with them?

Rudyard Kipling and his famous book 'The Cat that Walked by Himself'

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was a famous English novelist, poet and artist. For cat lovers (and even non-cat lovers) his best-known book is ‘The Cat That Walked by Himself’. The illustrations are memorable and remarkably by him. A talented man. Dr Desmond Morris, in his book Cat World describes Kipling as a cat lover (ailurophile). …

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The earliest ‘classic’ cat book 1727

Les Chats by Moncrif

Dr Desmond Morris, the renowned author of many books on animal and human behaviour including the definitive ‘CATWATCHING’ describes this book as a ‘classic’ cat book. But a bookseller has a different opinion (see below). I have scanned it and it is a classic cat book but not as we, today, understand the meaning …

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The inherent bias and unhelpfulness in the book ‘Cat Wars’ by Peter Marra and Chris Santella

Cat Wars

You can buy the book Cat Wars by Peter Marra and Chris Santella on Amazon. They describe cats as “environmental contaminants like DDT”. They claim that they spread disease and disrupt the ecological balance of the environment. They have a chapter lewdly entitled “Zombie Makers”. They describe how domestic, stray and feral cats spread …

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Don’t F***k**g Breathe on My Kitten you unvaxxed selfish POS

Amusing mockup of a book cover

I just got this book from the library 😉. Judging by the response to this tweet, this mockup of a book is very popular (see it below). It’s been done very well. It amused me. Like 90% of people in developed countries, I am one of those who strongly believes in and welcomes the …

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Caitlin Doughty believes that our domestic cats would eat their dead owner’s eyeballs

Caitlin Doughty

Caitlin Doughty is in the news at the moment. She is an American mortician and author. She has written a book which you may have heard of entitled Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death The book is about questions asked by children during question-and-answer sessions after giving …

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