The earliest ‘classic’ cat book 1727

Les Chats by Moncrif

Dr Desmond Morris, the renowned author of many books on animal and human behaviour including the definitive ‘CATWATCHING’ describes this book as a ‘classic’ cat book. But a bookseller has a different opinion (see below). I have scanned it and it is a classic cat book but not as we, today, understand the meaning …

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20 facts about cats in children’s literature

Kathleen Hale's marmalade cat Orlando in real life and in one of her stories

Here are 20 facts about cats in children’s literature. I hope you find the page useful and enjoyable. There are some great celebrity cats in literature. They’ve featured in books for centuries. After the persecution of the domestic cat during mediaeval times, in the 18th century the cat again became more popular and their …

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Wonder cats: Trained to speed dial 911

Beautiful red tabby cat

This is the story of Tommy, a red tabby cat who lived (and may still live) with a guy called Gary Rosheisen. Gary was wheelchair-bound. He suffered from osteoporosis and occasionally had mini-strokes which affected his balance. He lived alone in an apartment with Tommy. He had acquired Tommy three years previous to the …

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Caitlin Doughty believes that our domestic cats would eat their dead owner’s eyeballs

Caitlin Doughty

Caitlin Doughty is in the news at the moment. She is an American mortician and author. She has written a book which you may have heard of entitled Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death The book is about questions asked by children during question-and-answer sessions after giving …

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The Cat Wars are as intractable as the Syrian conflict and it is time for pro-cat and pro-wildlife groups to work together

Cat predation montage

You have heard the message of Cat Wars, a new book by the ornithologist Peter Marra writing in conjunction with Chris Santella. Dr Marra is the director of the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre in Washington. He said: “There has never been a book like this that really brought together this science in a way …

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