One Litter-Robot will serve four cats. Good for indoor, multi-cat homes.

Litter-Robot image from the Litter-Robot blog

One of Jackson Galaxy’s best-known tips is to ensure that there is a least one litter box per cat in a home where there are several cats (multi-cat home). In fact, he says that in multi-cat homes there should be on litter box per cat plus one extra. This allows access to a clean …

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In a multi-cat home how can you tell if there is bullying?

Cat is a bully?!

Sometimes in multi-cat homes a cat might bully another or others. Normally, the reason is because there isn’t enough space for individual cats to call their own. Their compressed home ranges overlap which causes stresses which can lead one cat who is dominant to bully another. It might not be readily apparent that one …

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Caitlin Moran is a Cat Hater

Caitlin Moran is a celebrated Times journalist. She is the current columnist of the year. Caitlin Moran has come out. She has declared to the world in the Saturday magazine that “it’s taken me 9 years to admit it but: I am a cat hater. I hate my cat”. No doubt she is being …

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Cat Bullying

Cat bully?

Harmonious group of cats – photo by Giane Portal (Flickr name: fofurasfelinas) I don’t think there is such a thing a cat bullying. From the human perspective it looks like bullying. I believe that bullying is exclusively a human concept. It has been defined as when a person is “exposed, repeatedly and over time, …

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