Sexist Cat Fanciers’ Association bars boy calico cat from winning at cat show

Sexist Cat Fanciers' Association bars boy calico cat from winning at cat show

With tongue in cheek, I’m alleging that the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) is being sexist when it bars male calico cats from winning at cat shows. You may know that male calico cats are very rare. It is said that they are 1 in 3,000 and when they are fertile they are even rarer. …

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Dramatic Photos of Calico Kitten Pulled From Inside a Wall

Kitten rescued from wall cavity

I found these photos by Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue (Twitter page) compelling. The image quality is good and they capture the instant the young calico kitten is pulled through a hole in an interior stud wall of a house. It looks like the bathroom. A stud wall has a wooden framework covered with plasterboard. …

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One in a million super rare Maine Coon

Three-year-old MezzoMixx is a tortoiseshell Maine Coon with a gorgeous blaze down his nose. Being a breeding male he is exceptionally rare. The degree of rareness is unclear. In the title I have said that he is a one in a million cat. I explain why. I guess we know why he is special; …

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Freakish Calico Cat Covered in Dreadlocks

Matted calico cat Hidey

The photos are astonishing. A medusa cat. They make you look twice and ask how did it happen? This is a calico cat who developed the worst coat matting ever seen. The 82-year-old cats owner suffered from dementia and has been rehomed in a residential care facility. You’ll see another cat in the comments …

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Four Cat Photos With Short Commentary

Here are four quite interesting cat photos from Facebook. Actually they are from the closed group page. I comment on the pictures briefly. The cat above is a Maine Coon. He has to be even although he is not ‘labelled’ as such. The lynx tips on the ears are a give away as …

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Vet advised that we euthanise dumpster cat we found. We said No

By Vera Five years ago, my 15 year old daughter brought home a cat who was horribly abused. She heard a sound inside a dumpster and low and behold there was a cat inside a black plastic bag in that dumpster. She immediately got her out and brought her home. She was horribly abused …

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