No crime for woman who hoarded 105 cats in apartment

Reaction of readers to story that a cat hoarder of 105 cats was not charged with an animal cruelty crime

Guelph, Ontario, Canada: report that a woman living in an apartment had surrendered 105 cats to the Guelph Humane Society last week. The matter was investigated by the Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) who decided there would be no criminal charges. Their inspector attended the property. The owner relinquished all of her cats …

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Halifax’s Three Rules of Cat Ownership

Cat ownership rules of Halifax Nova Scotia

There is another discussion, debate or argument going on in Halifax, Canada about how to manage feral cats. It is good that feral cats are frequently discussed in North America nowadays because something forward thinking and humane needs to be done rather than simply reporting on the large number of feral cats which irritates …

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In Canada “Bestiality” Only Means Intercourse With Animals

Forms of sexual abuse of animals other than intercourse (penetration) are not illegal in Canada. This is a decision of Canada’s Supreme Court. The counter argument is that all forms of sexual abuse of animals should be illegal. They are not because the criminal code (the criminal law) in Canada does not define “bestiality”. …

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Cat Animal Cruelty Laws Canada

Cat Animal Cruelty Laws Canada- This applies as at Oct 2008. Laws change. This page might not get updated at all or quickly. Although I am very careful be aware and check, please. Contents Federal Laws Provincial Laws Alberta Ontario Yukon more to come… The federal law is the basis for the laws of …

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