Pictures of Siberian Tiger Cubs

Siberian tiger cubs septuplets born in captivity

Here are a couple of fantastic pictures of Siberian tiger cubs taken in a zoo in south-west China. They are septuplets. The mother gave birth to her seven cubs on the 10th May 2017. China is trying to increase the number of Siberian tigers. All the remaining tiger subspecies are endangered. Some subspecies extinct …

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Live Donkey Is Fed to Tigers at a Zoo in China

Live Donkey Is Fed to Tigers at a Zoo in China

The Times newspaper tells us that there is a gruesome video online which shows a live donkey being fed to tigers at a zoo in eastern China. The video has gone viral. Once again we are in a debate about the attitude of the Chinese government towards animal welfare. Perhaps most of the world …

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The Worst Case of Feline Ringworm That You Will See and It Was on a Tiger

Aasha is a female Bengal tiger. She was a travelling circus tiger. When she was spotted with ringworm at the age of nine months she had the weight of a three-month-old cub at 30 pounds and most of her coat including all her head was badly affected by ringworm. The ringworm had taken all …

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Dead tiger cubs found in a freezer at Thailand Tiger Temple

Tiger Temple HORROR: Rotting corpses of 40 cubs found in freezer in Thai tourist hotpot You may have heard of the Tiger Temple in Thailand (in Kanchanaburi province west of Bangkok), run by Buddhist monks. It was a great tourist attraction for Westerners. Tourists could cuddle up to allegedly drugged tigers and take a …

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Aftermath of Cheetah Attack: Struggle to Obtain Justice and Compensation

You may remember the worldwide reporting of a cheetah attack on a ten-year-old boy at a captive cheetah breeding centre in Ladysmith, South Africa. Schoolchildren were on an educational outing organised by their school to the Kwa Cheetah breeding centre. One of those children was 10-year-old Aiden Davis. While there, a cheetah charged at …

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