Some Scottish wildcats to be captured for captive breeding programmes

There is disagreement about how best to protect and conserve the progressively endangered Scottish wildcat.  The Scottish wildcat is in a precarious situation.  The species is becoming extinct and has been for many, many years.  This is primarily because of breeding with outdoor domestic and feral cats leaving the Scottish wildcat non-purebred hybrids which …

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Tiger selfies are a sad, bad fad

Big cat selfies are bad. They are bad for the cat and they’re bad for the person. They are exploitative of the cat, in my opinion. This sort of subtle demeaning of captive wildlife further undermines wildlife conservation. It undermines the integrity of the magnificent big cats, as if putting them into cages wasn’t enough. …

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USA: Captive Wild Cat Crisis

There is the bizarre phenomenon of an excess of captive wild cats in the USA and a decreasing number of wild cat species in the wild in Asia and other parts of the world. Perhaps it is not bizarre but simply a symptom of human meddling. We know that there are too many domestic …

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British Nobility Bungle Captive Lion Management

Viscount Weymouth, the 39-year-old son of the Marquess of Bath, had decided on a lion breeding program at the famous Longleat Safari Park that would ensure that there were always lion cubs at the park. Visitors love the cubs. People come to see them. They are a major attraction. The focus, as expected, was …

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How many cats and which species?

This is a bit of fun (mainly).  Light-heartedness after some heavyish stuff. There is a photo on Facebook taken by the Savannah Cat Shoppe called “Serval Cat’s photo” meaning a photo of serval cats. It is also captioned “All seven”. It may have been taken with a mobile phone. It is an interesting photo. Initially, …

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Attempts at cloning wild cat species is immoral

The only reason why scientists at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species (ACRES) are engaged in failed attempts at cloning small wild cat species (at the expense of the cats who are kept in cages etc.), is because people in general are basically killing off the wild cat species in the wild …

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