Cats drink antifreeze because of its smell and because it is almost tasteless

Antifreeze poster

You will find it difficult to glean an answer as to why domestic cats appear to like drinking antifreeze. My research indicates to me that we don’t know. It seems that domestic cats drink antifreeze even when it has been spilled accidentally onto the road or leaked out of a vehicle. Most often it …

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Don’t use antifreeze in garden water features

In the UK it appears that quite a lot of people add antifreeze to garden water features such as fountains. They do this in winter to stop the water freezing. It sounds like a good idea you might think but an estimated 50 cats a month in the UK are killed by drinking antifreeze …

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Antifreeze cat deaths: Minister rejects idea to stop poisonings

I recently wrote about a group of members of Parliament in Britain debating the possibility of making it obligatory to add a bitterant to car antifreeze and unpalatable to cats. This is a quick follow-up posting. Unsurprisingly, but regrettably, and I say incorrectly, the British government’s environment minister George Eustice has rejected the idea. …

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UK: MPs to debate control of antifreeze products and protection of animals

It is about time and I am very pleased that some members of Parliament are going to debate the control of antifreeze products because routinely in the UK we have many reported cat deaths due to ingesting car antifreeze which contains ethylene glycol. These are often deliberate cat poisonings by criminals but no one …

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Black vodka treatment for cat poisoned by anti-freeze

A kitten in the UK is receiving black vodka treatment after a second attack on a family’s cats in Redcar. Missey was covered in anti-freeze. I presume a nasty, cruel individual wanted to kill Missey because it is well-known nowadays that the ethylene glycol in anti-freeze causes kidney failure in cats. Missey’s caretaker, Paul …

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Trailer park management demands residents kill feral cats

Beginning the first of October we will begin an all out assault on all stray cats…So keep your one pet indoors…LAST WARNING…All residents can help clean up the stray cat problem by leaving a bowl of antifreeze out to poison these ever increasing problem…This stray cat problem if not eliminated will result in higher …

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How to try and save a cat who has drunk antifreeze

Here is some information, from an excellent source¹, about doing the near impossible; saving a cat who has lapped up antifreeze. The reason why I am writing this post is because, once again, we have one of those horror stories about a cat hater poisoning cats in a certain area by mixing antifreeze with …

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