Is it legal to own a caracal or other small wild cat in Illinois?

Pet caracal

This is about individual residents and citizens of Illinois wishing to purchase a caracal and legally owning that animal. I am compelled to say that my research on this topic was extremely disappointing. I thought I would cut to the chase and simply telephone the Illinois State Wildlife Service and ask them the simple …

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Roads and rat poison, the biggest killers of the caracal on Cape Peninsula

Cape Peninsula caracal

NEWS AND COMMENT: It’s reported that there are fewer than 60 caracals remaining on the Cape Peninsula, that beautiful part of the world which is loved by many people. Clearly there are too many people and too many cars and too many roads. When you build roads across the habitat of a medium-sized wild …

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Average weight of a caracal

Caracal attacking birds

The caracal is a slender, long-legged cat of medium size weighing 8-20 kg (17.6-44.1 pounds). The difficulty in providing the average weight of a caracal is that you end up averaging the weight of females and males and theoretically you should also average-in the weight of sub-adult caracals which makes the resulting number less …

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Cat eats a bird – plucking before feeding

Caracal attacking birds

When a cat eats a bird, it will sometimes pluck the bird’s feathers beforehand. That, though, is a simplistic statement because it seems that it is more complicated than that. The same or very similar methods are employed by both domestic and wild cats. This is no surprise because a domestic cat behaves like …

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Meet Pumba, the fat, pet caracal of Latvia who wants to escape

Obese Pumba pet caracal of Latvia

The website headline is “Meet the loving domesticated wild cat who ‘hates being alone’”. As soon as you see the pictures of this beloved caracal you can see that he is obese. This is not right. Note: this article is in 2 parts with a link to the second part at the base …

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