People who through cowardice abandon cats anywhere should reach out for help instead

Kitten being abandoned at a dumpster

“People who do these kinds of things are cowards. There’s so many rescues out there, there are so many shelters. There’s so many other options, just reach out. Social media has so many open doors, reach out to somebody.” Andrea Palmer, humane officer at All But Furgotten. There are many stories of adult cats, …

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10-year-old boy who rescued a cat thrown from a bridge wants to remain anonymous

Cat thrown from bridge in sealed box

A 10-year-old boy saw a man throw a box from the River Street Bridge, near the intersection of Knowlton Street and Berkshire Avenue, in Bridgeport, USA. He then heard a cat’s cry coming from the taped up box in a garbage bag. The boy ran to the water’s edge and grabbed the box and …

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Tampa alert: A reward has increased to $6,000 to catch the cruel person who threw a tiny kitten from a vehicle

Tampa kitten

The cruel person who threw a tiny kitten from a car in Tampa, Florida on May 27 has a price on their head. The kitten survived and the $1,000 reward that was offered ($500 by the Humane Society of Tampa Bay and $500 by Florida Voices For Animals) has now increased to $6,000 after …

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The 11 cats abandoned in 4 sealed boxes now sleep together in a big pile!

11 ginger tabby rescue cats sleep in a big pile

Do you remember the 11 abandoned cats inside 4 well sealed cardboard boxes? And how they were found and taken in by the Celia Hammond Animal Trust? READ ELISA’S ACCOUNT OF THE RESCUE OF THESE BEAUTIFUL CATS (the link opens a new tab/window so you can stay on the page or for smartphones this …

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Abandoning cats at animal shelter surreptitiously (video)

Abandoning cats at shelter surreptitiously

I think this video is interesting partly because it’s quite unusual. It’s unusual to see the actual act of abandonment of cats in this case at an animal shelter because the intention of the culprits is to avoid being seen! You can see how surreptitiously this couple act. The woman quickly runs away from …

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