The cats I took to a shelter may have been used to train Emergency Medical Technicians

Sadly, I was forced to abandon cats at a shelter 24 years ago. Back then, I was young and naive and truly believed that shelters helped animals. After all, I had adopted a kitten from one. Before you curse me, please understand that this is a very hard thing to say. My mother passed …

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A new way to abandon a cat and be cruel at the same time

This is a UK cat cruelty story, which adds a variation to the “throw-the-cat-out-of-a-moving-car method of feline abandonment. We all know the classic method: place kitten in a cardboard box drive down road, usually, a road on which there is fast moving traffic throw box with kitten inside out of the passenger seat window …

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Anthropomorphising The Domestic Cat

Worried stray cat in China

Do we, inadvertently, nearly always anthropomorphise the domestic cat?  I believe that we have difficulty with dissociating the cat as a family member from human family members.  I believe that all too often without realising it people judge cat behaviour from the standpoint of human behaviour.  They measure cat behaviour in reference to the …

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The reason why people abandon purebred cats

The reason why cat owners abandon purebred, pedigree cats is essentially the same reason why people abandon random bred cats. They are not committed to keeping their cat. There are added reasons why an owner of a purebred cat might abandon their cat. Such an owner may be more interested in the way their …

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Kitten found on roadside stole heart of Cats Protection fosterer

Vicky is a fosterer for Wear Valley and Darlington Cats Protection. She writes the following on her website: I would not change it for the world, but what I would love to see change is people’s attitudes… towards cruelty, towards neglect, towards abandonment and towards NEUTERING. Neglect, neutering and abandonment are big issues in the …

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Oliver Ratfaced McDougall, our king cat

by Terri (Quadra Island, BC, Canada) 14 years ago, a rag-tag family of humans on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, decided that they didn’t want a cat any more and abandoned him. He wandered to a nearby house, climbed in the window that they left open for their own cats, and …

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