My boy cat just got neutered, and his loving sister is hissing at him. What’s going on?

Just neutered and his loving sister growls at him

This is the full social media question: “My boy cat just got neutered, and his sister, who he normally cuddles with, is hissing and growling at him? What’s going on?” I have seen this kind of question quite a lot on social media. This form of feline behavior can be a bit disturbing for …

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My cat is stressed by my new baby. Advice please.

“My cat is jealous of my new baby”, is quite a common statement on the internet. Is it jealousy? Or is it a territorial thing? Or both, and more besides. This is a real situation and one we read about on the internet not infrequently. Some mums (moms) give up their cats when they …

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Domestic Cat Partnerships?

Do domestic cat partnerships exist? We know that domestic cats form ‘associates’ – they are sociable. The word “associates’ is a scientific word that hints at friendship. I think scientists don’t want to say that the domestic cat has friends. It doesn’t sound scientific enough and also the concept of friendship is a human …

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