What are the smartest things that a domestic cat has done?

Intelligent domestic cat

Cats have their own type of intelligence. Of course, is different to ours but in their own way they are intuitively and instinctively smart. And it must be said that they are good learners by observation. They learn by observing us and indeed copying us sometimes. Their lives are so integrated into ours that …

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Can cats be gay? Can male cats be gay?

Can cats be gay like humans? No.

People ask Google for an answer to the above couple of questions and today, in The Times, we have an article reporting on a study into “gay behaviour” of non-human animals which I think will help answer them. The research is published in the journal Nature Communications. Same-sex sexual interactions can serve to form …

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Why it is easier to take a dog on holiday than a cat!

Cat is more attached to his home - the physical surroundings - than his owner

There is more than one reason why it is easier to take a dog on holiday than a cat but there is one major reason: cats form strong attachments to the place where they live as they link it to a food source. Most domestic dogs in contrast become attached first and foremost to …

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Why does my cat lick me?

Generous Cat

For me the answer to the question, “why does my cat lick me?” mainly comes from personal observation. Mother-kitten relationship My cat looks upon me as a mother cat. All domestic cats do the same. Our cats are kept in a state of perpetual kittenhood with us as we provide for them and unwittingly …

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Happy cat owner tip 1: wearing wellies!

Wearing wellies to protect one's legs against your cat's play attack

This looks a bit strange – very strange perhaps – but effective. The idea comes from Rebecca Watson in her book The Cat Expert. I like the idea if you have a problem with your kitten or cat attacking your lower leg and/or ankles a lot. Wearing wellies protects them until they get out …

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A cat’s senses are ready and waiting

Cat senses for survival

Here comes Toji! – Photo by fofurasfelinas (link at base of page) This is a really nice picture by a well-known Flickr photographer, Giane Portal, Flickr name: forfurasfelinas, of a sanctuary or rescue cat (she is heavily involved in cat rescue) named Toji. As we can see, he is a brown mackerel tabby cat …

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Happy cat campaign tip 2 – observe your cat’s behaviour and take notes

Observe your cat and make some mental notes to find out what makes them tick and happy

In 2011 a veterinary charity in the UK assessed the physical and social environment of domestic cats and decided that on average in cat owners needed to improve as the score they came up with was 64%. Unsurprisingly, the score was lower in homes where there was more than one cat because issues surrounding …

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